Diseño en publicidadDesign in Advertising · Diseño editorialEditorial Design · Signs· ImprentaPrinting · 5 años de ecperiencia, 5 Yr Experience. E-mail: rubyxist@yahoo.com Ph. 562.276.5619
These Business cards where designed for a client that was very unhappy with his previous design. Plain and poor choice of photos etc. This time around they got exactly what they wanted and more :)
Printing 5,000; Front and Back Full Color in Glossy! additional fee's subjected to charge if additional changes are required after their second change. (When printing design is half price/on already low prices)
El concepto de la primavera me dio la idea de crear este logo tipo para la nueva revista super popular en Los Angeles, Las ideas son infinitas...yo le saco el máximo en hacer su compañía lucir moderna y profesional.